Finding Ways to Celebrate Special Days After Loss
My mother died one warm September evening nearly 20 years ago, and I remember well the first holiday season that followed—the…
My mother died one warm September evening nearly 20 years ago, and I remember well the first holiday season that followed—the…
By Eugenie G. Wheeler Your world has fallen apart…but your life goes on. You wonder how you will ever get through…
by Valerie Dillon Therapists and hotlines report an increase in calls during the Christmas holidays. It is no surprise, given the…
by Kass Dotterweich
The first Christmas after my father died was extremely difficult; the second was a little better. The third was just a few weeks away when I received a shoebox-shaped package from my sister. When I called her to say the package had …
Following my father’s death, there were days when it was hard to know whether I was feeling sorry for myself or…
Even though the steps through grief can be similar, the way each family member moves through the process is unique. Such…
These are the voices of parents of some of the many thousands of children who are stillborn, who die as newborns,…
Sorting through the belongings of a loved one can bring up many issues: pain of past hurts, sadness of hopes unrealized,…
If there ever was a season designed to help us move through grief after a loved one’s death, that season would…
God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to…